Evaluation of the global rainfall datasets for use in physical models, Case study: Karoun Basin

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.S. Graduate in Water Resources Engineering, Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Prof., Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Aburaihan Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Due to the lack of proper spatio-temporal coverage of precipitation measuring stations in the country, there is a need for gridded data with proper spatial and temporal resolution. For this reason, global rainfall centers were used in water resources studies. In recent years, the number of these gridded datasets has been increasing and many of these datasets have been used in water resources studies. In this research, rainfall datasets have been evaluated in both pixel scale and mean basin with observation data in the Karoon basin. The datasets used in this study are PERSIANN, PERSIANN-CDR, APHRODITE, TRMM-3B42 RT, CHIRPS V2.0, ERRA-INTERIM. Evaluations were made on a daily scale and for the period of 2003-2013. According to the results of statistical indices such as coefficient of determination and NRMSE, the APHRODITE and ERRA-INTERIM datasets have shown better performance than others. Also, according to the contingency table indicators, the APHRODITE and ERRA-INTERIM datasets have good performance. The results showed that despite the fact that the APHRODITE and ERRA-INTERIM datasets have the proper accuracy in all evaluations, they have poor performance in detecting non-occurrence of rainfall. According to the evaluations, the APHRODITE dataset can be used as an alternative to observational data and among satellite datasets, Among the satellite datasets, TRMM has better performance, and with calibration and bias correction using observational data, this satellite can be used in water resources studies for the target area.


AghaKouchak A, Behrangi A, Sorooshian S, Hsu K and Amitai E (2011) Evaluation of satellite-retrieved extreme precipitation rates across the central United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116(D2)

Ashouri H, Hsu KL, Sorooshian S, Braithwaite D K, Knapp K R, Cecil L D, Nelson B R and Prat O P (2015) PERSIANN-CDR: Daily precipitation climate data record from multisatellite observations for hydrological and climate studies. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96(1):69-83

Ashouri H, Nguyen P, Thorstensen A, Hsu K-l, Sorooshian S and Braithwaite D (2016) Assessing the efficacy of high-resolution satellite-based PERSIANN-CDR precipitation product in simulating streamflow. Journal of Hydrometeorology 17(7):2061-2076

Behrangi A, Andreadis K, Fisher J B, Turk F J, Granger S, Painter T and Das N (2014) Satellite-Based precipitation estimation and its application for streamflow prediction over mountainous western U.S. basins. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53(12):2823-2842

Behrangi A, Khakbaz B, Jaw T C, AghaKouchak A, Hsu K and Sorooshian S (2011) Hydrologic evaluation of satellite precipitation products over a mid-size basin. Journal of Hydrology 397(3):225-237

Bitew M and Gebremichael M (2011) Assessment of satellite rainfall products for streamflow simulation in medium watersheds of the Ethiopian highlands. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15(4):1147-1155

Bitew M M and Gebremichael M (2011) Evaluation of satellite rainfall products through hydrologic simulation in a fully distributed hydrologic model. Water Resources Research 47(6):n/a-n/a

Bodian A, Dezetter A, Deme A and Diop L (2016) Hydrological evaluation of TRMM rainfall over the Upper Senegal River basin. Hydrology 3(2):15

Cecinati F (2013) Precipitation analysis for a flood early warning system in the Manafwa River Basin, Uganda. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

de Leeuw J, Methven J and Blackburn M (2015) Evaluation of ERA-Interim reanalysis precipitation products using England and Wales observations. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141(688):798-806

Dee D, Uppala S, Simmons A, Berrisford P, Poli P, Kobayashi S, Andrae U, Balmaseda M, Balsamo G and Bauer P (2011) The ERA-Interim reanalysis: configuration and performance of the data assimilation system. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137:553-597

Duan Z, Liu J, Tuo Y, Chiogna G and Disse M (2016) Evaluation of eight high spatial resolution gridded precipitation products in Adige Basin (Italy) at multiple temporal and spatial scales. Science of the Total Environment 573:1536-1553

Duncan J M and Biggs E M (2012) Assessing the accuracy and applied use of satellite-derived precipitation estimates over Nepal. Applied Geography 34:626-638

Eini M R, Javadi S, Delavar M (2018) Evaluating the performance of CRU and NCEP CFSR global reanalysis climate datasets, in hydrological simulation by SWAT model, Case Study: Maharlu basin. Iran-Water Resources Research 14(1):32-44 (In Persian)

Feidas H (2010) Validation of satellite rainfall products over Greece. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 99(1-2):193-216

Funk C, Peterson P, Landsfeld M, Pedreros D, Verdin J, Shukla S, Husak G, Rowland J, Harrison L and Hoell A (2015) The climate hazards infrared precipitation with stations-a new environmental record for monitoring extremes. Scientific Data, 2150066

Gao Y and Liu M (2013) Evaluation of high-resolution satellite precipitation products using rain gauge observations over the Tibetan Plateau. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17(2):837

Gebere S B, Alamirew T, Merkel B J and Melesse A M (2015) Performance of high resolution satellite rainfall products over data scarce parts of Eastern Ethiopia. Remote Sensing 7(9):11639-11663

Habib E, Henschke A and Adler R F (2009) Evaluation of TMPA satellite-based research and real-time rainfall estimates during six tropical-related heavy rainfall events over Louisiana, USA. Atmospheric Research 94(3):373-388

Hsu K-l, Gao X, Sorooshian S and Gupta H V (1997) Precipitation estimation from remotely sensed information using artificial neural networks. Journal of Applied Meteorology 36(9):1176-1190

Huffman G J, Bolvin D T, Nelkin E J, Wolff D B, Adler R F, Gu G, Hong Y, Bowman K P and Stocker E F (2007) The TRMM multisatellite precipitation analysis (TMPA): Quasi-global, multiyear, combined-sensor precipitation estimates at fine scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology 8(1):38-55

Javanmard S, Yatagai A, Nodzu M, BodaghJamali J and Kawamoto H (2010) Comparing high-resolution gridded precipitation data with satellite rainfall estimates of TRMM_3B42 over Iran. Advances in Geosciences 25:119-125

Kim J, Jung I, Park K, Yoon S and Lee D (2016) Hydrological utility and uncertainty of multi-satellite precipitation products in the mountainous region of South Korea. Remote Sensing 8(7):608

Krogh S A, Pomeroy J W and McPhee J (2015) Physically based mountain hydrological modeling using reanalysis data in patagonia. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16(1):172-193

Lauri H, Räsänen T A and Kummu M (2014) Using reanalysis and remotely sensed temperature and precipitation data for hydrological modeling in monsoon climate: Mekong River case study. Journal of Hydrometeorology 15(4):1532-1545

Li X-H, Zhang Q and Xu C-Y (2012) Suitability of the TRMM satellite rainfalls in driving a distributed hydrological model for water balance computations in Xinjiang catchment, Poyang lake basin. Journal of Hydrology 426:28-38

Li Z, Yang D, Gao B, Jiao Y, Hong Y and Xu T (2014) Multiscale hydrologic applications of the latest satellite precipitation products in the Yangtze River Basin using a distributed hydrologic model. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16(1):407-426

Liang J and Xie P (2007) 2.7 verifying high-resolution satellite precipitation estimates on sub-daily scales: results for southern China. 21st Conference on Hydrology

Liu M, Xu X, Sun A Y, Wang K, Yue Y, Tong X and Liu W (2015) Evaluation of high-resolution satellite rainfall products using rain gauge data over complex terrain in southwest China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology119(1-2):203-219

Moazami S, Golian S, Hong Y, Sheng C and Kavianpour M R (2016) Comprehensive evaluation of four high-resolution satellite precipitation products under diverse climate conditions in Iran. Hydrological Sciences Journal 61(2):420-440

Nikolopoulos E I, Anagnostou E N and Borga M (2012) Using high-resolution satellite rainfall products to simulate a major flash flood event in northern Italy. Journal of Hydrometeorology 14(1):171-185

Sharifi E, Steinacker R and Saghafian B (2016) Assessment of GPM-IMERG and other precipitation products against gauge data under different topographic and climatic conditions in Iran: Preliminary results. Remote Sensing 8(2):135

Siddique-E-Akbor A H M, Hossain F, Sikder S, Shum C K, Tseng S, Yi Y, Turk F J and Limaye A (2014) Satellite precipitation data–driven hydrological modeling for water resources management in the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna Basins. Earth Interactions 18(17):1-25

Sorooshian S, Hsu K-L, Gao X, Gupta H V, Imam B and Braithwaite D (2000) Evaluation of PERSIANN system satellite–based estimates of tropical rainfall. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81(9):2035-2046

Vergara H, Hong Y, Gourley J J, Anagnostou E N, Maggioni V, Stampoulis D and Kirstetter P-E (2014) Effects of resolution of satellite-based rainfall estimates on hydrologic modeling skill at different scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology 15(2):593-613

Wang S, Liu S, Mo X, Peng B, Qiu J, Li M, Liu C, Wang Z and Bauer-Gottwein P (2015) Evaluation of remotely sensed precipitation and its performance for streamflow simulations in basins of the southeast Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16(6):2577-2594

Worqlul A W, Maathuis B, Adem A A, Demissie S S, Langan S and Steenhuis T S (2014) Comparison of rainfall estimations by TRMM 3B42, MPEG and CFSR with ground-observed data for the Lake Tana basin in Ethiopia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18(12):4871-4881

Yatagai A, Kamiguchi K, Arakawa O, Hamada A, Yasutomi N and Kitoh A (2012) APHRODITE: Constructing a long-term daily gridded precipitation dataset for Asia based on a dense network of rain gauges. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93(9):1401-1415

Zangenehinanlu M R and  Faridhoseini A (2018) Comparison of observed rainfall and satellite rainfall data PERSIANN and CMORPH - interpolation methods in hourly and daily scale. (case study: Shopoor basin). Iran-Water Resources Research 14(4):1-12 (In Persian)

Zhao T and Yatagai A (2014) Evaluation of TRMM 3B42 product using a new gauge‐based analysis of daily precipitation over China. International Journal of Climatology 34(8):2749-2762




Main Subjects

AghaKouchak A, Behrangi A, Sorooshian S, Hsu K and Amitai E (2011) Evaluation of satellite-retrieved extreme precipitation rates across the central United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116(D2)
Ashouri H, Hsu KL, Sorooshian S, Braithwaite D K, Knapp K R, Cecil L D, Nelson B R and Prat O P (2015) PERSIANN-CDR: Daily precipitation climate data record from multisatellite observations for hydrological and climate studies. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96(1):69-83
Ashouri H, Nguyen P, Thorstensen A, Hsu K-l, Sorooshian S and Braithwaite D (2016) Assessing the efficacy of high-resolution satellite-based PERSIANN-CDR precipitation product in simulating streamflow. Journal of Hydrometeorology 17(7):2061-2076
Behrangi A, Andreadis K, Fisher J B, Turk F J, Granger S, Painter T and Das N (2014) Satellite-Based precipitation estimation and its application for streamflow prediction over mountainous western U.S. basins. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53(12):2823-2842
Behrangi A, Khakbaz B, Jaw T C, AghaKouchak A, Hsu K and Sorooshian S (2011) Hydrologic evaluation of satellite precipitation products over a mid-size basin. Journal of Hydrology 397(3):225-237
Bitew M and Gebremichael M (2011) Assessment of satellite rainfall products for streamflow simulation in medium watersheds of the Ethiopian highlands. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15(4):1147-1155
Bitew M M and Gebremichael M (2011) Evaluation of satellite rainfall products through hydrologic simulation in a fully distributed hydrologic model. Water Resources Research 47(6):n/a-n/a
Bodian A, Dezetter A, Deme A and Diop L (2016) Hydrological evaluation of TRMM rainfall over the Upper Senegal River basin. Hydrology 3(2):15
Cecinati F (2013) Precipitation analysis for a flood early warning system in the Manafwa River Basin, Uganda. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
de Leeuw J, Methven J and Blackburn M (2015) Evaluation of ERA-Interim reanalysis precipitation products using England and Wales observations. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141(688):798-806
Dee D, Uppala S, Simmons A, Berrisford P, Poli P, Kobayashi S, Andrae U, Balmaseda M, Balsamo G and Bauer P (2011) The ERA-Interim reanalysis: configuration and performance of the data assimilation system. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137:553-597
Duan Z, Liu J, Tuo Y, Chiogna G and Disse M (2016) Evaluation of eight high spatial resolution gridded precipitation products in Adige Basin (Italy) at multiple temporal and spatial scales. Science of the Total Environment 573:1536-1553
Duncan J M and Biggs E M (2012) Assessing the accuracy and applied use of satellite-derived precipitation estimates over Nepal. Applied Geography 34:626-638
Eini M R, Javadi S, Delavar M (2018) Evaluating the performance of CRU and NCEP CFSR global reanalysis climate datasets, in hydrological simulation by SWAT model, Case Study: Maharlu basin. Iran-Water Resources Research 14(1):32-44 (In Persian)
Feidas H (2010) Validation of satellite rainfall products over Greece. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 99(1-2):193-216
Funk C, Peterson P, Landsfeld M, Pedreros D, Verdin J, Shukla S, Husak G, Rowland J, Harrison L and Hoell A (2015) The climate hazards infrared precipitation with stations-a new environmental record for monitoring extremes. Scientific Data, 2150066
Gao Y and Liu M (2013) Evaluation of high-resolution satellite precipitation products using rain gauge observations over the Tibetan Plateau. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17(2):837
Gebere S B, Alamirew T, Merkel B J and Melesse A M (2015) Performance of high resolution satellite rainfall products over data scarce parts of Eastern Ethiopia. Remote Sensing 7(9):11639-11663
Habib E, Henschke A and Adler R F (2009) Evaluation of TMPA satellite-based research and real-time rainfall estimates during six tropical-related heavy rainfall events over Louisiana, USA. Atmospheric Research 94(3):373-388
Hsu K-l, Gao X, Sorooshian S and Gupta H V (1997) Precipitation estimation from remotely sensed information using artificial neural networks. Journal of Applied Meteorology 36(9):1176-1190
Huffman G J, Bolvin D T, Nelkin E J, Wolff D B, Adler R F, Gu G, Hong Y, Bowman K P and Stocker E F (2007) The TRMM multisatellite precipitation analysis (TMPA): Quasi-global, multiyear, combined-sensor precipitation estimates at fine scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology 8(1):38-55
Javanmard S, Yatagai A, Nodzu M, BodaghJamali J and Kawamoto H (2010) Comparing high-resolution gridded precipitation data with satellite rainfall estimates of TRMM_3B42 over Iran. Advances in Geosciences 25:119-125
Kim J, Jung I, Park K, Yoon S and Lee D (2016) Hydrological utility and uncertainty of multi-satellite precipitation products in the mountainous region of South Korea. Remote Sensing 8(7):608
Krogh S A, Pomeroy J W and McPhee J (2015) Physically based mountain hydrological modeling using reanalysis data in patagonia. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16(1):172-193
Lauri H, Räsänen T A and Kummu M (2014) Using reanalysis and remotely sensed temperature and precipitation data for hydrological modeling in monsoon climate: Mekong River case study. Journal of Hydrometeorology 15(4):1532-1545
Li X-H, Zhang Q and Xu C-Y (2012) Suitability of the TRMM satellite rainfalls in driving a distributed hydrological model for water balance computations in Xinjiang catchment, Poyang lake basin. Journal of Hydrology 426:28-38
Li Z, Yang D, Gao B, Jiao Y, Hong Y and Xu T (2014) Multiscale hydrologic applications of the latest satellite precipitation products in the Yangtze River Basin using a distributed hydrologic model. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16(1):407-426
Liang J and Xie P (2007) 2.7 verifying high-resolution satellite precipitation estimates on sub-daily scales: results for southern China. 21st Conference on Hydrology
Liu M, Xu X, Sun A Y, Wang K, Yue Y, Tong X and Liu W (2015) Evaluation of high-resolution satellite rainfall products using rain gauge data over complex terrain in southwest China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology119(1-2):203-219
Moazami S, Golian S, Hong Y, Sheng C and Kavianpour M R (2016) Comprehensive evaluation of four high-resolution satellite precipitation products under diverse climate conditions in Iran. Hydrological Sciences Journal 61(2):420-440
Nikolopoulos E I, Anagnostou E N and Borga M (2012) Using high-resolution satellite rainfall products to simulate a major flash flood event in northern Italy. Journal of Hydrometeorology 14(1):171-185
Sharifi E, Steinacker R and Saghafian B (2016) Assessment of GPM-IMERG and other precipitation products against gauge data under different topographic and climatic conditions in Iran: Preliminary results. Remote Sensing 8(2):135
Siddique-E-Akbor A H M, Hossain F, Sikder S, Shum C K, Tseng S, Yi Y, Turk F J and Limaye A (2014) Satellite precipitation data–driven hydrological modeling for water resources management in the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna Basins. Earth Interactions 18(17):1-25
Sorooshian S, Hsu K-L, Gao X, Gupta H V, Imam B and Braithwaite D (2000) Evaluation of PERSIANN system satellite–based estimates of tropical rainfall. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81(9):2035-2046
Vergara H, Hong Y, Gourley J J, Anagnostou E N, Maggioni V, Stampoulis D and Kirstetter P-E (2014) Effects of resolution of satellite-based rainfall estimates on hydrologic modeling skill at different scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology 15(2):593-613
Wang S, Liu S, Mo X, Peng B, Qiu J, Li M, Liu C, Wang Z and Bauer-Gottwein P (2015) Evaluation of remotely sensed precipitation and its performance for streamflow simulations in basins of the southeast Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16(6):2577-2594
Worqlul A W, Maathuis B, Adem A A, Demissie S S, Langan S and Steenhuis T S (2014) Comparison of rainfall estimations by TRMM 3B42, MPEG and CFSR with ground-observed data for the Lake Tana basin in Ethiopia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18(12):4871-4881
Yatagai A, Kamiguchi K, Arakawa O, Hamada A, Yasutomi N and Kitoh A (2012) APHRODITE: Constructing a long-term daily gridded precipitation dataset for Asia based on a dense network of rain gauges. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93(9):1401-1415
Zangenehinanlu M R and  Faridhoseini A (2018) Comparison of observed rainfall and satellite rainfall data PERSIANN and CMORPH - interpolation methods in hourly and daily scale. (case study: Shopoor basin). Iran-Water Resources Research 14(4):1-12 (In Persian)
Zhao T and Yatagai A (2014) Evaluation of TRMM 3B42 product using a new gauge‐based analysis of daily precipitation over China. International Journal of Climatology 34(8):2749-2762