Guide for Authors

Authors are invited to prepare their articles according to this guideline. The articles should be submitted through the journal website.

- If the submitted article is the output of a particular project or has been supported by a particular institution, please refer to this issue in the Acknowledgment section.

- In the cover letter, it should be stated that "the paper has not been published or under review for publication elsewhere and all the authors are aware of this submission".


Type of the papers (in Farsi and English):


- Notable and original scientific, research, and technical papers containing the results of the basic and applied research which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere;

- Technical notes;

- Discussion about the previously published papers;

- State of the art review papers


Copyright form:


- The copyright MS word document needs to be completed and submitted at the time of registration of the article. This file contains a letter declaring the transfer of copyright of the article to IWRR and it must be signed by all the authors.


Conflict of interest form:


It is a form that must be signed by all authors declaring that they have committed to ethical standards for publication.