Efficiency of power regression model for stable bankfull hydraulic geometry (a case study: Tarwal Basin)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, Dept. of Range and Watershed Management, College of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Iran.

2 Assistant professor, Dept. of Geomorphology, College of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Iran

3 Graduated student (M.Sc.) in Natural Hazards, Dept. of Geomorphology, College of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan


The development of hydraulic geometry relationships has utility in different applications such as stream restoration design and hydrological modeling. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to develop regional relationships for formulizing bankfull channel dimensions of Tarwal basin by drainage area, as an independent variable. Several fieldworks, focused on Chameh Sis, Sangeh Siah, Ozon Dareh tributaries as well as main channel of Tarwal River, were conducted between 4 -19 November 2015. Twenty-two stable-channel cross sections used to formulize bankfull channel dimensions by drainage area. Our results indicated that piecewise models is the best model for relating bankfull channel dimensions to drainage area. Relative Root Mean Squared Error (RRMSE) values>0.4 resulted for simple power regression models for channel bankfull dimensions versus drainage area relationships reveal that simple power regression models were not suitable for predicting hydraulic geometry. Although there were no ideal model to estimate bankfull channel dimensions in basins larger than 1165 Km2. This may be a result of significant changes in rainfall- runoff relationships or the influences of anthropogenic disturbances in large basins. Our results provide useful data for stream restoration as well as water structure design.


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