Investigating of floods monitoring using GRACE and TRMM observations in the West and South West of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc. Graduate of Surveying-Geodesy Engineering, Department of Surveying Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Surveying Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.


Floods have many negative economic, social, and 
environmental impacts. The occurrence of this phenomenon in 
the West and South West of Iran has caused many challenges 
for the region and its communities. Investigating the flood 
monitoring parameters plays a key role in reducing the 
problems in the area. One of the most important hydrological 
parameters affecting this phenomenon is the the Total Water 
Storage (TWS). The purpose of this study is to use the GRACE 
and GRACE FO TWS time series data, as well as TRMM (The 
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) rainfall time series, to 
extract the flood potential index (FPI). FPI is used to check the 
occurrence of floods in the study area. The geographical area 
investigated in this research was between 45-49N and 30-
35E, which includes most of the West and South West parts 
of Iran. The studied time period was from 2002 to the end of 
2019. The TWS anomaly extracted from the data of the 
GRACE satellites was validated using the water balance 
equation and TRMM satellite precipitation data, MODIS 
evapotranspiration data, and GLDAS hydrological model 
runoff data. The results obtained for GRACE and FO GRACE 
satellites yielded RMSE values of 0.034 and 0.051 meters, 
respectively. Then, in order to predict the possibility of floods, 
the process of determining the Flood Potential Amount (FPA) 
was run using the the GRACE/GRACE FO TWS data and the 
TRMM rainfall data between 2002 and the end of 2019. 
Finally, the obtained FPA was used to determine the FPI. The 
results showed that the FPI index is able to detect many floods 
that occurred in the studied area.


Main Subjects

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