Analysis of Stakeholder Relationships and Conflicts Using the Conflict Tree Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Visiting Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Civil, Water and Environmental Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor, School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran.


Interactions and conflicts, or in general, the relationships between different stakeholders in a large-scale water resources scheme, are very important factors affecting the status of water systems. In this study, the conflict was studied, mapped, and rooted in a water system using the social network analysis approach, utility analysis, and conflict tree. After finding the major problems in a water system, influential stakeholders were first identified. Then, using the social network analysis method the relationships between these stakeholders were studied to estimate their conflicts. Next, by assessing the desirability of stakeholders, the ground of conflict emerging between them was investigated using desirability mapping. Using the output of the desirability analysis, social network analysis, and important problems recognition, the roots, core, and results of the conflict were presented using the conflict tree approach. The catchment area in the west of Tehran, namely the Kan River basin, has been studied using the mentioned method. The little interest of the municipal institution in utilizing groundwater resources, the problem of subsidence and the quality of water resources, coupled with the interest in expanding green spaces and urban development are among the challenge between the regional municipality and the regional water authority. The minor consideration for the management of illegal water extraction, return water, aquatic ecosystems, and water quality has been the cause of conflict between the agricultural institution and the regional water authority. It is also critical that the interest of the industrial sector is focused on development of industries and other interests are of less importance in this sector. The lack of interest in institutions such as the urban development stakeholder to consider the water cycle's importance in urban development is another challenging issue.


Main Subjects

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