Explanation of Water Resources Limitations in Regional Development Theories (A System Dynamics Approach)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculties of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.Sc. of Engineering and Water Resources Management, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.


Location theories were originally based on the optimal profitability of agricultural activities aimed at the predominance of economics in agriculture. But as the role of industry became more prominent and industrial production expanded, there was a change in the approach to location theories and human beings place their activities in a way that they bear lower costs, make more profit and have easier access to resources. Although these three logical principles seems simply achievable, experts have inevitably resorted to the use of scientific and modern method as the factors influencing location become more complex. Various theories and models have been proposed in this regard. Most of these theories emphasize the quantification of factors affecting the location process. In research and models related to location theories, the limitations of an area such as water resources and factors affecting water consumption have not been considered. Given that Iran is experiencing serious problems with water shortages and also many regional vulnerabilities are due overlooking the resources, especially water resources, it is better to involve these limitations on Location theories. Therefore in this research it is tried to examine the role of water in these theories using a systematic interpretation. Given that the role of water in nature is the outcome of interaction between humans and the environment, location theories are plotted and analyzed using a system loop. This research can be a roadmap for the future in areas where the development is based on these location theories so that to address the limitations in the area, especially water resources’s.


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