Developing an Operational Water Resources Decision Support System for Zarrineh- Rood Basin with Emphasis on Supply Urmia Lake Water Requirement and Optimal Water Allocation in Agricultural Sector

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc Graduate in Water Resources Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assist-Professor of Tarbiat Modares University, Department of Water Resources Management,Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Tarbiat Modares University , Department of Water Resources Management, Tehran, Iran.


Zarrineh-Rood is one of the most important rivers of Urmia lake basin. Since, agricultural sector plays a key role in this region, and also in recent year the water resources in this basin  is faced with a lot of pressure that lead to many environmental problems in urmia lake. so the evaluation of efficient water allocation to the agricultural crops, especially in drought conditions may have a noticeable impact on the water productivity on the basin. In the current study, attempt to determine the best solution for water and land allocation by developing an operational decision support system   using prediction of flow during the next year by support vector machine(SVM) and also an agricultural water allocation model that is based on the old and new  FAO  crop response to water equations. The results show that each of these methods proposes a different composition of optimal allocation and Cultivated area. Also the FAO-2009 method in comparison to FAO-1979, has led to a higher income and productivity at all levels of drought conditions. In addition, SVM prediction results show an over-90% correlation for flow prediction in both  supply  all of the Urmia lake water requirement and reduction of  lake water allocation  based on drought condition. So and holistic model with linking prediction model and water allocation model is so suitable for water resources planning and also for applying management scenario in deferent future conditions. This package can be used as an decision support system for basin water resources management.


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